What We Do
100+ years of experience in gem-diamond cutting combined with over 20 years of experience in diamond laser cutting resulted in developing Diamond Cutting Laser Machines for 2D and 3D cutting (coring, slicing, smoothing, two-side and parallel sawing, shaping, conning and driling) of natural diamonds and synthetic diamonds: HPHT diamonds and CVD diamonds (lab-grown, man-made diamonds).

Bettonville Diamond Cutting Laser Machines are used in production of synthetic diamonds (lab-grown CVD diamonds) for diamond seed or substrat recovery, for diamond coring, for diamond slicing with very narrow parallel kerf, for diamond slices smoothing and in production of natural or synthetic diamond tools, indexable inserts, conical anvils, water-jet orifices, medical and non-medical cutting instruments, optical components, spheres, radiation sensors, super-fast processors and jewellery diamonds.

Bettonville Diamond Cutting Laser Machines have now features that make them unique on the diamond cutting laser machines market: they enable, among others, deep diamond cutting above 20 mm depth with narrow parallel kerf (for diamond slicing, diamond sawing, diamond faceting), 2D shaping (for diamond anvils, diamond wire-dies, diamond orifices, fancy shaped diamonds), 3D shaping (for diamond-tipped cutting tools with conical relief angles and complex cutting edge).